Your financial support helps to ensure that CASA of Lafourche continues to provide quality advocacy to abused and neglected children of Lafourche Parish. We have a proven approach; our only challenge is to scale it. Your financial contribution is a sound investment. All donations are tax-deductible and help us serve more children by recruiting, training and retaining more volunteers.
Why do CASA Programs cost money to run, when volunteers are not paid? CASA programs hire staff to manage the program and supervise volunteers. Program costs include: salaries, office support, computers and equipment, child necessities, travel and training. CASA program staff recruit, train and supervise volunteers to ensure quality services. Each CASA program must comply with Federal laws and regulations, Louisiana law, National CASA Association Standards, Louisiana CASA Association Standards, and Louisiana Supreme Court CASA Assistance Program Standards. Professional CASA program staff ensure compliance with these standards to guarantee effective provision of CASA services. Each staff person supervising volunteers supports the work of up to 30 volunteers assigned to as many as 60 children. With this cost effective model, the CASA program is able to mobilize an army of community volunteers to ensure highly individualized attention and advocacy to our Parish's most vulnerable children.